Re-Act Dominoes all starts as a cut on the tip of you finger thinking nothing of it. What most people don’t know is that bacterial cells out numbers human cells 10:1, but our bodies have a defence system that runs though our blood that are called wihite blood cells. In this game of dominoes this [...]
Power of 3 BBQ Co.
admin 2017-10-26T00:40:25+00:00The Power of 3 is a BBQ line that is created by a mathematician by the name of Dr. Nedroot. He believed that if you used a certain three ingredients and take them to the power of 3 that you could develop a delicious sauce that would tingle your senses. The sauce would quadruple in [...]
admin 2017-10-26T00:40:17+00:00Pn is a Letraset idea that uses extra hands to help you complete a project. The NEDbots are your extra hand in completing any task you need to do for any project. Just sit back and let Pn, along with the NEDbots, help you throughout your project. -BFA Graphic Design Scholarship from Leo Burnett
Flatland Sailor
admin 2017-10-26T00:39:40+00:00Flatland Sailor BBQ Co. comes from a client that has a Navy background with a bit of a twist. Born a Navy gentlemen, Dusty now resides in Kansas....where we all know has no such thing as water! So the name came to us instantly. The design is inspired by the True Navy Man himself, Sailor [...]